A Christian’s Happy Marriage: How to Have a Marriage Without “Bread”

One morning, a ray of sunshine shined into the house and painted the floor a golden color. Qianhui opened her eyes and stretched, but just as she was about to get out of bed, the phone rang. She picked up and heard her friend Lili on the other end of the line. “Qianhui, I’m getting […]

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Moving on From Marital Breakdown Through God’s Love and Protection

By Meiling, United States My Happy Marriage Destroyed by My Husband’s Betrayal Ever since I was a child I have enjoyed watching romance series, and I had high hopes for love and marriage. I hoped that once I grew up, I would be able to spend my whole life with the person I loved, that […]

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The Aftermath of My Daughter’s Suspected Tuberculosis

By Siyin, Myanmar July 12th, 2018. Overcast. Today was the fifth day of my daughter’s hospitalization. At 2 p.m., my daughter started having a frequent cough. When I came to her sickbed, I found her lips black, her whole body trembling and a little cyanotic, and her head and body burning like fire. This freaked […]

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A Different Childhood: An 8-Year-Old Christian’s Joy From Being an Honest Person

By Bao’ai, South Korea The words “It’s so hard to be a good person who speaks the truth” give voice to the thoughts of many of us, and views like “Nothing great can be accomplished without lies,” “Think before you speak and then talk with reservation,” and “As swift legs make a good horse, a […]

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Reflections on Life: I Live Even Happier Than the Rich

By Chen Yan, China Editor’s note: By saying that the poor can be happier than the wealthy, I do not mean that I am resentful to the rich, and it’s just my understanding from the following experiences of Chen Yan, the author of this article. Everyone has reasons to struggle for their living throughout their […]

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I found the right way to educate my children!

By Coco, United States When I was a child, I enjoyed learning and had a breezy personality. However, my parents often quarreled with each other due to their inharmonious relationship, which led to the coldness of our family. Therefore, we three siblings couldn’t feel the warmth of family. Besides, we often were laughed at by […]

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A Christian’s Testimony of Gratitude: How Quitting Gambling Brought Light Into Her Dark Life

By Jingxin Once, she was a gambler, but because gambling brought great pain to herself and her family, she tried to give it up, without success. When she was on the brink of collapse, God’s saving hand reached out to her, allowed her to see the essence and danger of gambling, overcome her temptations step […]

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Reflection on the fire: only God is my salvation

By Aizhong One day in February last year, while I was doing housework, I heard several neighbors talking in front of my house. One of them said: “Dongsheng’s house, which was in the neighboring village, caught fire, and the fire burned up his two-storied house and all his possessions.” Another said: “Luckily, his wife and […]

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Read Genesis 2:18-20: What Is Mystery Behind God Letting Adam Give Names to All Living Creatures

By Lin Li The Bible records, “And Jehovah God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground Jehovah God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them to Adam to see […]

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