Het wezen van Christus is gehoorzaamheid aan de wil van de hemelse Vader

De vleesgeworden God heet Christus, en Christus is in het vlees gekleed door de Geest van God. Dit vlees is als van geen ander mens van vlees. Christus is immers niet van vlees en bloed, maar Hij is de belichaming van de Geest. Hij bezit zowel normale menselijkheid als volledige goddelijkheid. Geen mens bezit Zijn […]

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Zij die God met een oprecht hart gehoorzamen, zullen zeker door God worden gewonnen

Het werk van de Heilige Geest verandert met de dag, klimt hoger met elke stap; de openbaring van morgen is zelfs hoger dan die van vandaag, stap voor stap steeds hoger. Zo is het werk waardoor God de mens vervolmaakt. Wanneer de mens niet kan volgen, kan hij op ieder moment worden achtergelaten. Wanneer de […]

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In the last days, God has already done a new work. Why can’t one be saved if he fails to keep up with God’s new work and still believes in God in the churches of the Age of Grace?

The answer from God’s word: “Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering, and did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to take on the sins of man as […]

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The Relationship Between Vine Branches and the Vine – Bible Devotions

By Yingying Recently, I heard a sister fellowship: “I don’t know why I always live in sin. When something against my will befalls me, I am fully aware that I should put the words of the Lord into practice, being patient with and tolerant toward others, but I am unable to do it. I can’t […]

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Diferența esențială dintre Dumnezeul întrupat și oamenii folosiți de Dumnezeu

Timp de atât de mulți ani, Duhul lui Dumnezeu a căutat neîncetat în timp ce lucrează pe pământ. De-a lungul veacurilor, Dumnezeu a folosit atât de mulți oameni care să-I facă lucrarea. Dar Duhul lui Dumnezeu încă nu are un loc de odihnă potrivit. Așadar, Dumnezeu Își face lucrarea, mișcându-se neobosit în diferiți oameni și, […]

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