Gospel Reflection: What Is the True Meaning of the Parable of the Ten Virgins?

Seeking Enthusiastically to Be a Wise Virgin One night near dusk, Jia Nan sat beside a desk. Opening the Bible, he began to read, “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened to ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were […]

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The Revelation of Mystery: Why Did the Lord Jesus Fast for 40 Days?

Brothers and sisters of Testify God: Hello everyone! I have already had faith in the Lord for over ten years, but I still cannot understand some of the scriptures. For example, recently, I felt puzzled when I read the scriptures about Satan tempting the Lord Jesus, “Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into […]

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What Is the True Meaning of “God Wants All Men to Be Saved”

By Zhao Li The parable of the shepherd seeking the lost sheep and the parable of the return of the prodigal son told by the Lord Jesus in the Bible deeply impress us. The Lord’s compassion, mercy, tolerance, and forgiveness allow us to feel His dearness and loveliness. The Bible says: “The Lord is not […]

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Learn Secret to God’s Salvation From the Story of Zacchaeus

At daybreak, Hui’en got up. As usual, she prayed to the Lord and then began to read her Bible. She turned to Luke 19:1-10, “And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. And, behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich. And he sought to see […]

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True Meaning of the Sixth of 7 Last Words of Jesus on the Cross “It Is Finished”

By Qianhe Every Christian knows that the Lord Jesus said, “It is finished” when He was upon the cross, but what did He actually mean by saying “It is finished”? Some brothers and sisters believe that the Lord saying “It is finished” proves that God’s work to save mankind was completely finished and that He […]

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Why Was the Lord Jesus’ Work Met With So Much Hindrance?

By Xinying The autumn wind blew the yellow withered leaves of the trees off. They drifted in the air with the wind; then, some fell into the flower beds on the roadsides and others fell on the road. The scattered leaves could be seen everywhere, which naturally gave a feeling of desolation. After walking out […]

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