Noah Was Praised by God Because of His Absolute Obedience to God. A Commentary on Genesis 6:22

Thoughts on Today’s Verse… From this verse we can see that Noah was absolutely obedient to God. No matter what God said, he did it accordingly without reservation. That was why God saved Noah. In the time of Noah, it had never rained. But God said to Noah that He would use a flood to […]

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Gamaliel’s Warning: The Sense We Should Have in Our Approach to God’s New Work. A Commentary on Acts 5:38-39

Thoughts on Today’s Verse… These verses show me that we believers in God should have a God-fearing heart, especially in the matter of how to treat God’s work. When we don’t understand or cannot see clearly God’s work, we should be reasonable but not arbitrarily judge, condemn, or resist it. Just like it is recorded […]

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Knowing God’s Unoffendable Disposition From His Flooding the World. A Commentary on Genesis 6:13

Thoughts on Today’s Verse… In the past, when I read this verse, I only knew that the people of Noah’s time were too evil and corrupt so they were destroyed by God. Not until I read a passage of words in a gospel book did I understand that the destruction of the world by the […]

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