Entertain Strangers With Love. A Commentary on Hebrews 13:2

Daily Bible Reading

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

It is recorded in the Bible that many people got unexpected blessings because of entertaining strangers, such as Abraham gained God’s blessings because he entertained strangers whom are angels; Lot avoided disaster because he entertained two angels; the prostitute Rahab and her family avoided death because she entertained strangers; because the poor widow of Zarephath entertained the prophet Elijah, her jar of flour was not used up, neither did the jug of oil run dry; the eunuch gained Jesus’ salvation because he entertained disciple. From the facts above, we can see that those who entertained strangers all gained God’s grace and blessings. And entertaining strangers is the Lord Jesus’s requirement of us.

Recently I always hear some brothers and sisters say, “Do not receive them if anyone tells you that the Lord has come.” We all know that God’s work is spread through people’s preaching from ancient times until today, such as God instructed Noah to build an ark, and Noah preached to people of that time; Jesus’ disciples spread the gospel to the ends of the world after Jesus did the work of redemption in Israel. Looking back, if we had not received strangers or those who spread the gospel, how were we able to receive the Lord’s salvation? Revelation 3:20 says: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” If we don’t open the door when the Lord knocks, won’t we lose the opportunity to meet with Him?

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