Significance of Jesus’ Appearance to Doubting Thomas After His Resurrection

By Li Bian The Bible records, “And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the middle, and said, Peace be to you. Then said he to Thomas, Reach here your finger, and behold my hands; and reach here your hand, […]

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Understanding of God’s Salvation for Mankind Behind the Parable of the Lost Sheep

By Xiaoqing Editor’s Note: I trust everyone’s familiar with the parable of the lost sheep in the Bible. The Lord Jesus used this parable to very vividly tell us about God’s love for mankind and to allow us to feel how sincere God’s desire to save mankind is. But does everyone know what God’s will […]

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What God’s Intention Is Behind the Story of Noah’s Ark

By Zheng Fu The story of Noah’s ark is very well-known. From the accounts in the Bible, we can see that the people in Noah’s day became depraved and corrupt, living every day wining and dining, scheming and plotting against one another, and in wicked promiscuity. They had lost the form of humanity possessed by […]

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Emerging From the Whirlpool of Money and Finding Direction of Life

By Zhao Lei, France When I was at school, many people in our village moved into apartment buildings and bought cars, while my family was still living in an old one-storey house. Therefore, I was determined to work hard to become rich when I grew up. When the time came, I packed my bags, got […]

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How to Treat Bible Prophecies to Be in Line With the Lord’s Will

By Song Ping, Spain Every Christian wants to welcome the Lord’s return and be raptured into the heavenly kingdom; I’m not an exception. kingdomI paid special attention to the prophecies about the Lord’s return. As long as I heard who could interpret the biblical prophecies, I would hurry to listen. But as I gradually received […]

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Miraculous Medicinal Herbs Contain God’s Love for Us

By Chen Xiaoling, United States In my hometown, people grow many cockscombs. Every time when I saw the full-blown cockscombs beside the road, I always enjoyed stopping my feet to appreciate their beauty. The cockscombs in bloom don’t give off heady scents; however, by contrast with the luxuriant green leaves their pink stems and colorful […]

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